Salt and Sanctuary (鹽和避難所) 全怪物BOSS抗性及掉落圖鑒一覽 9 6 月 2016-06-09 廣告 作者:b51170000 來源:鹽和避難所吧 首先寫boss,然後小怪按地圖分類 boss完結 嗯,終於整理好了,繼續更新 顫慄海岸Shivering Shore 潰爛宴廳The Festering Banquet 匪徒隘道Bandit’s Pass 微笑村寨Village of Smiles 守望森林The Watching Woods 沉陷要塞Sunken Keep 風暴城堡Castle of Storms 牢籠紅館Red Hall of Cages 哈格洞穴Hager’s Cavern 腐敗沼澤Mire of Stench 遠沼堡壘Fort Beyond the Mire 今天就到這裡,該歇了 遺忘拱堂Dome of the Forgotten 塵沙靈塔Ziggurat of Dust 廢棄神廟The Ruined Temple 聳立森林Pitchwoods 暹羅大湖Siam Lake 鹽之聖域Salt Alkymancery 亡者地穴Crypt of Dead Gods 瑪律浮堡Mal’s Floating Castle 完結