Author Archives: entertainment14
12 月
七龍傳說 2020 武器一覽
12 月
七龍傳說 2020 防具裝備一覽
12 月
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (太空戰士13-2) フラグメント(碎片)一覽
12 月
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (太空戰士13-2) 流程攻略翻譯
12 月
蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢城市(Batman:Arkham City) 身份盜竊案詳盡圖文攻略
12 月
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (太空戰士13-2) 遊戲圖文攻略
12 月
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (太空戰士13-2) 故事序章及相關介紹
12 月
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (太空戰士13-2) 中英文獎杯列表
12 月
Master of Time Mastered the timeline and obtained every trophy available. 完成所有時間軸並獲得所有獎盃。 |
Early Riser Accepted a new fate in a world where everything has changed. 接受在崩壞的的世界中的新命運。 |
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Time Traveler Left behind a normal life, and began a journey through time. 放棄平凡的生活,開始時空之旅。 |
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Future Espier Visited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered. 探訪遺留著未來線索之地。 |
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Past Gazer Visited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal. 探訪擁有救世主記憶的水晶之地。 |
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Threat Facer Acknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back. 面對世界所承受的威脅,決定反擊。 |
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Sooth Seeker Prepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber. 在隱藏著真相的裂縫中直面決心的試練。 |
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Promise Keeper Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind. 拋棄虛幻之夢,加入拯救人類之戰。 |
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Trigger Finger Obtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards. 獲得五段劇場獎勵。 |
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Humanitarian of the Year Witnessed every possible Paradox Ending. 見證每一種不同地結局。 |
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Epic Finisher Followed the story to its conclusion. 完成真正結局。 |
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Saddle Sore Went the distance on chocobo-back. 駕坐陸行鳥達到一定距離。 |
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Serendipitous Amassed a fortune in casino coins. 在賭場聚積財富。 |
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Choco-boco-holic Spent a fortune at shops. 在商店消費。 |
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Clock Stopper Responded swiftly to the appearance of enemies. 迅速對突現的敵人做出反應。 |
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Fragmented Completed an entire fragment category. 完成一類碎片的完整收集。 |
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Defragmented Completed every fragment category. 完成全部碎片收集。 |
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Scarlet Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise. 用高雅的身姿擊敗強大的敵人。 |
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Cerulean Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with valiant skill. 用英勇地技能擊敗強大的敵人。 |
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Obsidian Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution. 用完美的處決擊敗強大的敵人。 |
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Staggering Staggered a significant number of enemies. 破解一定數量敵人—Break狀態。 |
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Quick Draw Performed a significant number of preemptive strikes. 進行多次先制攻擊。 |
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Wild Thing Successfully used Feral Link abilities a significant number of times. 完成一定次數的同步槽技能。 |
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No Retreat Fought a significant number of battles without using the “Retry” option. 連續一定回合一次性解決戰鬥。 |
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Strategist Performed a multitude of paradigm shifts. 切換多種陣形。 |
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Budding Hunter Defeated an army’s worth of enemies. 擊敗一位值得一戰的對手。 |
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Supreme Being Fully developed all abilities. 完全發掘所有能力。 |
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Big Game Hunter Defeated every worthy opponent. 擊敗每一位值得一戰的對手。 |
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Giant’s Fist Dealt 99,999 damage with a single attack. 在一次進攻中達成99,999點傷害。 |
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Beast Tamer Befriended a most unfriendly monster. 和最暴虐的怪獸成為夥伴。 |
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Fair Fighter Defeated a powerful enemy on equal terms. 以平等的條件擊敗一位敵人。 |
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Chronosavior Obtained the highest possible result in the battle to determine the fate of the world. 在決定世界命運的決戰中達成最高評價。 |
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上古卷軸5:無界天際 全石碑地點以及屬性介紹
12 月