MarkForDelete 刪除指定的物體(打開控制台,鼠標點擊要刪除的物體,輸入指令回車,save and load 後所指定的物體就消失了)
Help X 0 獲取物品的代碼(例如:help bed 0 就出現許許多各種各樣的床,PgUp PgDn查看)
Placeatme X 鼠標點哪物體X就出現在哪了~當然還得進一步微調
Player.placeatme X 同上,物體出現在你所在的坐標
TWF 框架視圖~誰用誰知道~
TCL 攝影視角,便於安置物體在空中和牆上
Getpos x,y,z 獲得所指物體的x,y,z坐標,例如輸入getpos x(別一次性輸入getpos x,y,z啊,一次輸入一個坐標)
Setpos x,y,z # 設置物體的坐標,例如輸入setpos x,如getpos x得到x坐標-200,那麼此時就可以根據所獲得的坐標進行微調如:setpos x -400,所指物體於是移動了。
Getangle x,y,z 獲取角度
Setangle x,y,z #設置角度
Rotate x,y,z # 旋轉物體,例如rotate x 100 於是便華麗的朝著某個不明方向旋轉了,自己試試就曉得了
Setscale # 設置所選物體的大小(setscale 1.0 為原始大小) 嗯~果斷把哥的龍小弟(call dragon)設成2倍大~妥妥的威武霸氣,再把野龍變袖珍圈起來養
D54FF (alchemy table) 煉金台
D5501 (enchanting table no legs) 附魔台
727A1 (tanning rack) 縫紉架
D932F (workbench) 工作台
1A2AD (anvil) 鐵砧(打造用)
6E9C2 (grindstone) 磨刀石
9C6CE (smelting oven) 冶煉爐
10FDE6 (chest) 箱子
10E884 (barrel) 桶
10ACB6 (safe) 保險箱
C5893 (display case) C5894 (little larger) C5892 (larger) C5891 (largest) 櫃子
AF6AE (apothecarys Satchet) 裝藥材的小皮包
109D86 Bookcase (Note this is not a bookshelf, but can hold unlimited number of books) 書櫃,可以容納無限本書
C2A04 (Small Wardrobe) 小衣櫃
C2A05 (Medium Wardrobe) 中衣櫃
6B303 (Large Wardrobe) 大衣櫃
6B36B (Single Bed) 單人床
6B3D3 (Double Bed) 雙人床
C2A06 (End Table) 茶几
F5B98 (Marble Table 1) 大理石桌子1
F5B9C (Marble Table 2) 大理石桌子2
C2A00 (Noble Bench Large) 高貴的板凳(大)
C2A03 (Noble Bench Small) 高貴的板凳(小)
06B30E (noble chest the long narrow one) 狹長的箱子
B2456 (Dragon Head) 龍頭(可置於牆上)
DD9E0 (Elk Male) 麋鹿
CF264 (Snowy Elk) 雪白的麋鹿
3fA65 (Elk Antlers) 麋鹿鹿角
DD9E1 (Elk Female) 雌性麋鹿
D928F, d928d (Sabre Cat) 劍齒虎
D9289, d9288 (Wolf) 狼
D9287 (Skeever) 老鼠
D9285 (Mudcrab) 螃蟹
D8282, d9281, d927f (Bear) 熊
D927D (Horker) 海象?
D9276 (Goat) 山羊
3858F (Slaughter Fish) 魚
00044E6A Jeweled Candlestick (golden candlestick with pretty gem incrustations)
000AA03E Silver Candlestick (small and thin silver candlestick)
000E42DF Candlestick (default single candlestick)
000E42E0 Candlestick (default)
000E42E1 Candlestick (smaller default single candlestick)
000905E3 Jeweled Candlestick (golden candlestick same as first one, spawns as furniture (static) )
10E05E – 標箱
F8476 – 地下城的大箱子
C4493 – 青銅箱子
B1176 – Large Dwemer stone chest. The one that is rectangular and has a cool animation when you open it.
305A1 – Falmer chest
1D13C – Fancy wooden one from Solitude
椅子: (coldarra提供)
0001EDF7 Chair (dwarven)
0001EE09 Chair (same dwarven chair, without upper back part. I use this one as small table instead for pots and stuff)
0006E7B3 Chair (a stone chair like the ones in the temple of the gray beards)