獎盃圖示 | 獎盃說明 |
For the Emperor Earn all Trophies. 獲得所有獎盃 |
Verminslayer Kill 2500 Horde type enemies. 消滅2500名Horde類敵人 |
Reaper Kill 250 Champion enemies. 消滅250名Champion敵人 |
Cull the Strong Kill 100 Elite creatures. 消滅100名精英 |
Where It Hurts Kill 50 Commander enemies. 消滅50名指揮官 |
Hunter of Hunters Kill 5 Boss creatures at Power Rating 1500 or higher. 消滅5名Power在1500或更高的BOSS |
No Escape Kill 50 enemies while they are in cover. 消滅50名掩體內的敵人 |
Grenadier Kill 1000 enemies with grenade. 用投擲物消滅1000名敵人 |
Ranged Avenger Kill 5000 enemies with ranged skills. 用遠程攻擊消滅5000名敵人 |
Relentless Slaughter Kill 5000 enemies with melee kills. 近戰消滅5000名敵人 |
Judge and jury Execute 50 enemies (only with Assassin or Crusaider). 處決50名敵人(刺客或十字軍戰士) |
Perils of the Warp Create 100 Warp anomalies (Psyker only). |
Sacred Fury Achieve “Killstreak” bonus 30 times. |
Blood Sacrifice Achieve “Massacre” bonus for the first time. |
Death Incarnated Get “Angel of Death” bonus 30 times. |
Untouchable Get “Unbreakable” bonus 30 times. |
Veteran of Battles Complete 50 multiplayer missions. |
Couch Warriors Complete a mission in local coop. |
Saviour Revive each other 50 times. |
Stalwart Servant Complete 25 side quests. |
No Time Wasted Complete 25 time limited missions. |
Invincible Complete 25 missions without dying. |
Uprooting Evil Complete 5 Priority Assignments. |
Perfect Record Complete an entire Priority Assignment sequence without dying. |
Only War Complete a mission at Power Rating 500 or higher. |
Relic Hunter Complete 20 Stolen Relics missions without losing a single Reliquary. |
Visionary Complete 10 Tarot missions. |
Brother in Arms Join a Cabal. |
For the Cabal Complete 10 Cabal missions. |
Cheating Death Deal with 50 traps. |
Ordnance Seeker Open 100 supply chests. |
Demolisher Blow up 250 explosive containers. |
Magos Biologis Use Booster type Inoculator component 250 times. |
Chosen Warrior Equip your firts Relic item. |
Technoarcheologist Craft 25 items. |
Forge Lord Use the Fusion on a Relic item. |
Hero of the Imperium Acquire 5000 Fate points. |
No Turning Back Reach Inquisitorial Rank 20 with at least one character. |
Lexico Arcanus Learn all the skills from a single Skill tree. |
Bibliophiliac Unlock all Skill trees. |
Mechasapient Research 10 Tech tree upgrades. |
Adept of the Lost Arts Achieve all the cards from the Uther’s Tarot. |
Glorious Reach maximum points in a Weekly Glory challenge. |