Master Of Kyrat (Kyrat之王)
Obtain all the Trophies. 獲得所有獎盃。 |
Welcome To Kyrat (歡迎來到Kyrat)
Join the Golden Path (Campaign only). 加入黃金之路(劇情模式限定)。 |
One Down (解決一個了)
Decide De Pleur’s fate (Campaign only). 決定De Pleur的命運(劇情模式限定)。 |
Overdose (過量)
Discover Shangri-La (Campaign only). 找到香格里拉(劇情模式限定)。 |
Two Down (第二個)
Decide Noore’s fate (Campaign only). 決定Noore的命運(劇情模式限定)。 |
Hat-Trick (帽子戲法)
Decide Yuma’s fate (Campaign only). 決定Yuma的命運(劇情模式限定)。 |
The King Is Dead (王的逝去)
Decide Pagan Min’s fate (Campaign only). 決定Pagan的命運(劇情模式限定)。 |
Deliver Us From Evil (來自惡靈)
Liberate 12 Outposts (Campaign only). 攻佔12個前哨網站(劇情模式限定)。 |
All Clear (區域清除)
Liberate all Outposts (Campaign only). 攻佔全部前哨點(劇情模式限定)。 |
Tread Lightly (輕聲前行)
Liberate any Outpost without triggering an alarm in any mode (Campaign only). 未觸發警告的情況下攻佔一個前哨戰點(劇情模式限定)。 |
End Transmission (斷線)
Liberate 8 Bell Towers (Campaign only). 攻佔8座鐘樓(劇情模式限定)。 |
Display Of Fortitude (堅韌的體現)
Conquer 2 Fortresses (Campaign only). 征服兩座要塞(劇情模式限定)。 |
Well-Rounded (全能)
Complete any 6 Hunting quests (Supplies, Control, Survival) (Campaign only). 完成6個獵殺任務(支援,控制,生存)(劇情模式限定)。 |
Trigger-Man (快槍手)
Complete 3 Assassination or Eye for an Eye quests (Campaign only). 完成3個暗殺或以眼還眼任務(劇情模式限定)。 |
No One Left Behind (沒人被落下)
Rescue 15 hostages in Hostage Rescue quests (Campaign only). 在人質拯救任務中拯救15名人質(劇情模式限定)。 |
Gearhead (電腦般的頭腦)
Complete 3 Kyrati Films: Racing or Kyrati Films: Survival activities (Campaign only). 完成3個Kyrati競速或生存遊戲的影片(劇情模式限定)。 |
Defender (守衛者)
Repel 3 Outpost Retaliation Parties (Campaign only). 擊退3波針對前哨戰的反攻(劇情模式限定)。 |
Robin Hood (羅賓漢)
Hijack 3 Royal Cargo Trucks and return them to a liberated Outpost (Campaign only). 劫持3輛皇家運輸卡車並開回己方前哨戰點(劇情模式限定)。 |
Hand Of Justice (正義之手)
Eliminate 3 Pagan’s Wrath convoys (Campaign only). 殲滅3個”Pagan之怒”運輸車隊(劇情模式限定)。 |
Brother In Arms (手足兄弟)
Liberate 1 Outpost playing as Hurk (Campaign Co-op only). 扮演Hurk攻佔一個前哨戰點(合作劇情模式限定)。 |
Defuser (拆彈人)
Complete 3 Bomb Defusal quests (Campaign only). 完成3個拆除炸彈任務(劇情模式限定)。 |
Changing Lanes (更換路線)
Perform a Vehicle Takedown from the passenger seat of a vehicle (Campaign Co-op only). 在乘客位上完成一次擊毀載具動作(合作劇情模式限定)。 |
Fixer-Upper (機械師)
Purchase 3 items for the Ghale Homestead (Campaign only). 在Ghale處購買3個物品(劇情模式限定)。 |
Exorcist (驅魔人)
Remove or destroy 15 Masks of Yalung (Campaign only). 移除或毀掉15個Yalung面具(劇情模式限定)。 |
Rewriting History (重寫歷史)
Remove 30 Propaganda Posters (Campaign only). 撕掉30個政治宣傳(劇情模式限定)。 |
Caretaker Of Memory (守財奴)
Find 10 Lost Letters (Campaign only). 找到10封遺失信件(劇情模式限定)。 |
Right Tributes (向右轉)
Spin 10 Mani Wheels (Campaign only). 旋轉10個Mani轉輪(劇情模式限定)。 |
The Rarest Game (最新潮遊戲)
Complete 3 Kyrat Fashion Week quests (Campaign only). 完成3個Kyrat時裝周任務(劇情模式限定)。 |
Well Read (研讀)
Read 10 notes (Campaign only). 閱讀10本筆記(劇情模式限定)。 |
Quick Learner (天賦異稟)
Learn 10 skills (Campaign only). 學習10個技能(劇情模式限定)。 |
Fully Loaded (完全載入)
Learn all skills (Campaign only). 習得所有技能(劇情模式限定)。 |
Tricked Out (小把戲)
Craft 5 upgrades for your equipment (Campaign only). 為裝備升級5次(劇情模式限定)。 |
Dr. Feelgood (痊癒先生)
Craft 15 syringes (Campaign only). 製作15個針劑(劇情模式限定)。 |
Make It Rain (揮錢如土)
Spend 500,000 rupees total at Trading Posts (Campaign only). 在交易站累計消費500,000盧布(劇情模式限定)。 |
Custom-Fitted (自訂尺寸)
Buy all attachments and paint schemes for a single weapon (Campaign only). 將一把武器裝滿配件並塗裝(劇情模式限定)。 |
Tusker (長牙)
Kill 30 enemies with an elephant (Campaign only). 使用大象擊殺30名敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Quad Kill (速殺)
Kill 4 enemies simultaneously with a single explosion (Campaign only). 一次爆炸轟飛4個敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Misdirection (誤導)
Distract 15 enemies with rocks (Campaign only). 使用石子吸引15名敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Shutterbug (攝影愛好者)
Tag 25 enemies using the camera (Campaign only). 使用相機標記25名敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Reign Of Death (死亡的統治)
Kill 30 enemies with Mortar rounds (Campaign only). 使用迫擊炮擊殺30名敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
From A Distance (狙擊)
Kill a target from 60m or more with an arrow or bolt (Campaign only). 使用弓箭或弩箭在60米以外擊殺一名敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Two Birds (一石二鳥)
Using a sniper rifle, kill 2 targets with a single shot (Campaign only). 使用狙擊步槍一發射擊擊殺2人(劇情模式限定)。 |
The Sky Is Falling (天幕墜落)
Perform a takedown from a Buzzer (Campaign only). 從Buzzer滑翔機上施展一次落下擊殺(劇情模式限定)。 |
Flame On! (炎上!)
Kill 50 enemies with fire (Campaign only). 使用火焰燒死50個敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
Drive-By (駛過)
Kill 25 enemies while shooting and driving (Campaign only). 在駕駛時用手中武器擊殺25個敵人(劇情模式限定)。 |
The Good Fight (不錯的戰鬥)
Reach Karma Level 2, and purchase any Guns For Hire upgrade (Campaign only). 罪惡等級提升到2時,購買任意傭兵升級(劇情模式限定)。 |
Like A Bird (像鳥一樣)
Fly 5000m total in the Wingsuit (Campaign only). 借助飛行器飛行5,000米(劇情模式限定)。 |
Roadkill (馬路殺手)
Run over 25 people (Campaign only). 開車撞飛25個人(劇情模式限定)。 |
The People’s Champ (人民英雄)
Reach Arena Rank 5 (Campaign Arena only). 競技場等級達到5(劇情競技場限定)。 |
Renaissance Man (文藝復興時的作風)
Finish a public match of each game type in the Battles of Kyrat game mode (Battles of Kyrat only). 在Kyrat之戰模式中完成所有類型的公開房間對戰(Kyrat之戰模式限定)。 |
Community Surprise (社交驚喜)
Play a Top Rated map in the Map Browser (Map Browser only). 遊玩一張在地圖流覽模式中的頂級地圖(地圖流覽模式限定)。 |